Sunday, February 24, 2008

Finally back up from a brutal downswing

First content post begins at the end of a huge downswing that I hit a couple days ago. It was right after I took a shot at the $11 games, which I got destroyed at , although I didn't see much increase in skill level. Just a mix of bad luck and there were also quite a lot of deadly bubble mistakes that I made. I reviewed a bit and then I came back pretty quickly, as you can see on the graph.

Heres a few hands that you can all learn from

2345ds is a fine hand, and with 2 limpers its a pretty easy limp. On the flop, I'm not sure what the best move was. I've got good runner runner flushes, A and 2 give nuts. I get 4 to 1 on the flop call, turns out to be 5 to 1 after the call behind. I dunno. I'm still not even sure that the turn call was a mistake. But after there's a push and a call it's definately time to get out. I don't like having 1k chips in the first level but that's just my problem and I fixed that after I reviewed my leaks. I'm not really committed at all after I gave it some thought. It was just some tilt that got into my system and told me I'd be better off starting a new one than dying away in this one.

This one is also a tricky. We're on the bubble and the blinds are pretty small still. A26Q is good, but I definately overplayed it. 6high flush is not so strong, AK, any high pairs are worrysome for me preflop. I think I should have still been in the early-mid game mindset and limped, even though theres only 4 people left. As played though, I dont know what to do about that raise. I certainly cant call, and if i fold i'll have a pretty small stack. I remember thinking I'd push it all in and hope to split so I can get my money back. I found out that was a very big misconception, and I probably should have folded. Calculator says I have 35% equity. Thats pretty embarrasing for an omaha matchup, and I have A2 which feels really weird. I have to start thinking about numbers more now. I looked at all the hands I bubbled with and saw that I overplay some hands a lot.

So I thought about my game, and today was a huge winner. I played 37 sngs: 29 $6's, 8 $11's. Up $107 today.

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