Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March Update

Haven't been playing much poker : ( just so many other things going on.

I've got about $300 in my Carbon roll now, and ive collected about 50 in bonus so I'm playing breakeven. It's not really break even though because they charge 10% rake and I've played a lot of heads up. It turns out you only get FPP's for raked hands, not just hands dealt. I found that out after I had a few thousand hands of heads up played already lol.
So basically, Carbon Poker is stupid. I'm just going to play out the rest of my freeroll entries and try to get some of the March bonuses. I might not even finish the whole bonus. If I really want to take poker seriously there is just not enough volume at that site that I won't win fast enough even if I crush the game every time. And I don't crush the games either, as there's a lot more good players than I thought. Most of the time there's atleast 1 good player at a 6-max table that I sit at, which is annoying.

And by the other things going on that distract me from poker, I am mainly referring to Super Smash Bros. Brawl (SSBB).
Not only am I spending almost all of my time playing it, I've also started a website with my friends Mooplet and Steel Kangaroo. We'll be posting strats, vids, and a bit of personal info to keep interesting. It's named after Mooplet cause he bought the domain for himself ages ago, but he also owns brawlguide.com, which we might use somehow. Right now the current post (March 11, 2008) is about first impressions. My feelings are the same as Mooplet's so if you're interested go check it out. I wouldn't start checking daily just yet as we haven't set it up completely, but after a few weeks it'll be good to go.

Let's see.... other stuff that takes up my time.....
Well, I'm doing more research on voice separation lately. A bit before I started this blog I was given an award by Intel for a project I did with a math professor at Stony Brook. You'll hear more about that after I get somewhere in part 2, which is where the application / patenting (aka $$$) comes in : )

Also taking CSE214 (data structures) at Stony Brook, and I'm trying to get in a bit of cello and guitar practice in too, but it's hardly any now : (

So yeah, I won't be posting much unless I play some big sessions or final table a freeroll. Check out mooplet.com if you like Smash Brawl.


Unknown said...

Guess you're finding Carbon sucks. Those people on the forums are usually pretty honest, even if they do sometimes yack off about how they have secret fish sites.

Have you read the Slotboom book? What do you think?

Good luck with your pokering, work for Intel, etc.

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